Tired of getting Failed to get content size : [DM_API_E_EXIST]error: “Document/object specified by 0910c8e48004a984 does not exist.” when searching for documents from the Documentum Administrator simple search ? This happens when documents only exist in Documentum xPlore, and not in Documentum Server anymore.
The manipulation is pretty simple. You will have to execute some commands in the Documentum xPlore server to delete entries. Here is how to proceed.
dmuser $ cd /path/to/xplore/setup/indexagent/tools dmuser $ cp ftintegrity_for_<docbase_name>.sh ftintegrity_for_<docbase_name>.sh.ori dmuser $ vi ftintegrity_for_<docbase_name>.sh In this file, make sure that CONFIG_DIR is pointing correctly to you IndexAgent web application, and change the "password_change_me" to your current dmuser password dmuser $ ./ftintegrity_for_<docbase_name>.sh 4 files will be generated here. The ObjectId-indexOnly.txt contains all the objects identifier which are existing in the Documentum xPlore only. Those entries have to be deleted dmuser $ cd /path/to/xplore/dsearch/xhive/admin dmuser $ vi deletedocs.properties In this file, make sure that dss_domain match the docbase you are actually administrating, and inject the complete path to the ObjectId-indexOnly.txt file in the file_contains_id_to_delete property dmuser $ ./deleteDocs.sh
After that, this process will summarize all operations, for example :
Processed : 142 Success : 142 Warnings: 0 Failures: 0
Start Time: Tue Jan 11 15:25:16 CET 2022
End Time: Tue Jan 11 15:25:24 CET 2022Elapsed Secs: 8.0
Total Docs: 142
Docs per sec: 17.75
After that, your queries in Documentum Administrator must be OK.